Centred on the Gospel of Jesus, Christ the King Church is a warm, welcoming community of faith



Moving into a new area can be quite a challenge, especially finding a new church community in which to worship and feel a part of.

We hope our site provides you with assistance as you settle into your new home and surrounds, both geographically and spiritually, including our Service Times, details about our Sacraments, Parish Groups & Volunteers.

If you would like to become a part of our Parish, please fallout the Parishioner Registration Form below. All information we receive from you is confidential and will be used by Christ the king North Rocks Parish for future Parish requirements and activities.

If you have any questions or need further information, please contact our Parish Office.


New Parishioner Registration Form


Our many ministries help our Parish welcome new members and assist with the integration of various works to form one body as the Parish of Christ the King North Rocks. To make contact with one of our ministries or devotional groups, please use the contact information below.


Acolytes, who are commissioned Ministers of the Church, assist at the Altar during Mass and other services. On occasion, acolytes may be called upon to conduct Holy Communion services when no Priests are available. Acolytes also give Communion to the Sick and Dying and are involved in the training of junior altar servers.


Boys and girls from the Parish who have received the Sacraments of Baptism and First Holy Communion may join training groups to serve on the altar during the week and at weekends. Parental approval must be obtained before training can start.


The Altar Society comprises a group of dedicated parishioners who prepare the Altar for Sunday Mass. They prepare beautiful flower arrangements for the Altar each week and clean and replace the Altar cloths. We have a roster of 9 groups, each with two ladies who volunteer their time and talent, usually on Friday afternoons or Saturday mornings.  


The Parish currently have AV Operators covering all weekend Masses. AV Operators have the technical knowledge to handle Microsoft PowerPoint, manage the parish's AV system and work hand-in-hand with the rostered musician. The advanced hybrid digital/analogue Internet-enabled system is used to deliver the full visual and audio experience, supporting the readers, musicians, and any special requirements such as YouTube streaming during Mass.


The Baptismal Team helps families prepare for the Baptism of their child. Baptismal Preparation meetings are held on one Wednesday evening each month and Baptisms are usually scheduled 11.15am on the second and fourth Sunday of the Month. A Welcoming Ceremony is held for each family in the week prior to the Baptism during Sunday Mass.


The Piety store is rostered open after the Saturday 6.00pm and Sunday 8.00am, 10.00am and 6.00pm Masses. It sells a large range of religious and spiritual items. It also houses a free lending library of books, videos, and cassettes for borrowing by parishioners.


The Care Group provides practical assistance during times of stress such as illness, bereavement or even in the happy event of a new addition to the family. Usually this is in the form of a home cooked meal. Confidentiality is assured at all times. Perhaps you know someone we could help, or perhaps you have been considering helping in a practical way and would like to know more about the Care Group. 


Special Religious Educators (SREs) provide religious education to Catholic students attending government schools in our Parish. We currently service Carlingford West Primary School and North Rocks Primary School. SREs have the opportunity to attend accredited training courses provided by the Confraternity of Christian Doctrine (CCD) and are commissioned by Father Ian to teach the approved syllabus within our schools.


Children's Liturgy of the Word is run every Sunday during the school term at 10am Mass. The aim is to relate the gospel message at a level suitable to the children's age group and understanding. After a brief introduction by the Priest at the commencement of Mass, the children are taken to the parish hall where they are divided into three groups for their Liturgy of the Word (Preschool to Yr 1; Yrs 2/3; and Yrs 4-6). Children return to the church before the Procession of the Gifts. New leaders are always welcome and resources are provided as well as training/support, when necessary.


The Church Cleaning Group team consists of 20 cleaners, forming 6 groups. The groups are rostered to clean the church every week, including all holiday periods. They perform a variety of tasks from vacuuming to keeping all areas of the church and front paved area clean and tidy. It is a commitment of about two and a half hours on a rotating roster each 6 weeks.They are a wonderful group of dedicated parishoners, whose friendly and pleasant attitude is a great expression of our living faith.


The primary role of Extraordinary Ministers of Communion to the Sick is the distribution of Holy Communion to parishioners and others who are ill or unable to attend Mass. 


These parishioners on a rotating (6 week) roster count the collections and prepare the funds for banking.


Christ the King Youth Group meets twice each month. The group is aimed at 14-25 year olds, more or less. We gather on the first and third Sunday of each month at the 5.45pm and participate in the 6pm Mass for a Youth Mass to help with readings, PowerPoint, reflections and general sharing in the liturgy. After the Mass, there is a social/spiritual meeting from 7pm - 8.30pm in the Mary MacKillop Hall. To learn more about CTK Alive, please click here


The primary role of Extraordinary Ministers of the Eucharist is the distribution of the Eucharist to parishioners.


The Family Group Movement has been operating in the Parish, in its present format, for about 7 years. A group of 10-12 families gather once a month to enjoy a social occasion and gradually develop supportive relationships with one another. We organise low cost events like picnics, BBQs, bowling, themed dinners, camping and trampolining. Once a year, families organise an overnight event somewhere close to Sydney.


The Parish Finance Committee is established under the Canon Law of the Church. It works closely with the Parish Priest, who is accountable to our diocesan bishop for the administration and stewardship of the temporal goods of the parish. The Parish Priest has, among his responsibilities, the responsibility for parish financial and temporal management. The Parish Finance Committee is a consultative body that assists the priest in meeting these obligations.  


The Good Neighbour Group invites seniors to have a relaxing time making friends, stretching with gentle Tai Chi movements and playing Bingo. The Good Neighbour Group meets fortnightly on Thursdays in the parish hall from 10am-1pm during school term. This is an active support and social group. Helpers are also needed if you can spare some time. Morning tea and a light lunch are provided.


The Hospitality Group provides a cuppa, cordial and biscuits after each Sunday 10am Mass during the school term. It is a great vehicle for community building - providing an opportunity for people to stay around and chat after Mass. The 10am Mass is the only Mass where this service operates regularly.


The Liturgy Committee consists of the Parish Priest and Deacon as well as representatives from various parish ministries who are involved in preparing the liturgies throughout the Church calendar. The Committee meets about 10 times a year to prepare, coordinate and evaluate the liturgical activities of the Parish.


Marriage Encounter is a live-in weekend focused on enriching relationships. It also provides married couples with an opportunity to experience current Church thinking on the sacrament of marriage. It is a program for married couples and religious.


The parish is actively seeking expressions of interest for enthusiastic vocals to sing regularly. We are in need of singers who can lead in song and commit some practice time with their respective musician. The Parish has a diversity of musicians however we are always on the lookout for new talent. 


The Parish Pastoral Council is a group of representative parishioners who meet to discuss parish matters as the voice of the parishioners and to assist and counsel the pastor as he administers to the spiritual and temporal care of the community.


The Parish conducts a planned giving program to raise the funds necessary to establish and maintain the Parish facilities. Parishioners are welcome to either contact the Parish office or make their donation on the website.


The Playgroup is an informal gathering of parents and their pre-school children who meet from 9.00 -11.00am each Friday during school term.


A program culminating in the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults is conducted in the Parish each year, commencing in August and concluding at the Easter Vigil.


The Readers consist of a group of parishioners rostered to proclaim the Word of God at weekend Masses and on special occasions such as Easter and Christmas.


A program for initiation into the Sacraments of Reconciliation, Holy Communion and Confirmation is conducted each year for all Catholic children within the parish either attending the parish school or other schools within the area.


The Special Assistance Fund is a planned giving program, the proceeds of which are directed to local and overseas aid. Donations can be made through the office or on the website.


The St Vincent de Paul Society Conference consists of a group of parishioners, who by invitation or by reference from a concerned friend, visit people in any kind of need in their homes. Without discrimination on any grounds they seek to render assistance in the form of food vouchers, clothing, essential furniture, household needs and utility vouchers. They are also privileged to provide Mass transport to those who might otherwise be unable to attend Mass due to immobility. Meetings are held each Tuesday night at 8.00pm in the Parish Hall. 


The wardens and welcomer's welcome the parishioners and provide general assistance at Masses at weekends and other important celebrations, and take up the collections.  If you would like to join this team, you would be very welcome.


Rev Fr. Ian McGinnity

Peter Elchaar

Tony Hughes

Julie Bonney

Frank Gelonesi

Adam Chioatto

Liza Jilesh

Lorraine Murphy

Jason Scanlon

John Francis Collins

Stephen Doyle

Sarah Cook

Raymond Sleiman

  • 06 November 2017


    The parish was formally instituted on February 3, 1970 and on February 8 the first Mass of the new parish was offered at the Centre.

    In the evening a meeting was held in the Centre to welcome our first Parish Priest, Father Eric Burton.

    On Friday February 27 a parish census was undertaken and 1250 Catholic people were found in the area.

    They were difficult times because the Centre was being used by other groups which meant Vestments and Altar requirements had to be transported every time. Nevertheless, a real spirit of togetherness was evident.

    On May 10 Fr Burton took up residence at 17 Statham Avenue and from the following morning weekday Masses were offered at the cottage. The Presbytery became the focal point of the Parish.

    On June 2 a public meeting was held to discuss the building of a Church and School on land opposite the then presbytery. Objections from residents to the development of the site forced the Parish to sell the site and purchase the land where the present Church Hall and School stand. November 15 saw children of the Parish make their First Holy Communion having been prepared by the Sisters of the Good Samaritan from Pennant Hills and C.C.D. catechists. Preparation classes were held on the verandah at No. 17.


    A picture of the first Presbytery in Statham Ave. This house came from Nymagee a small mining town between Cobar and Condoblin NSW and transported to Sydney in Statham Aveneue by Mr. Rooney. It was once a convent in Nymagee.

  • 06 November 2017


    In March parishioners realised the need for finances to erect parochial buildings and the first planned giving program was introduced. On July 4 the first Annual General Meeting of the parish was held.

    During the period mid-1970 to end of 1971 negotiations to purchase the present site of the church-hall and school and sell the original site were being conducted. Approval was finally given and the site obtained a few days before Christmas, 1971.  Working bees cleared the site of old car bodies, extensive belts of blackberry and the remains of a couple of old houses in preparation for building.

  • 06 November 2017


    May 28, 1972 saw Confirmation administered by Bishop E Kelly, MSC. The parish building program was approved by the Archdiocese authorities on August 30. As local orders of religious teachers were unable to help, an approach to the Holy Faith Sisters in Canberra and then Dublin was made. After much correspondence and many prayers, eventually on August 15, the generous decision was taken by the Superior General and her council in Ireland to send two sisters.

    Enrolments for Kindergarten and 1st Class were taken in the Community Centre on a hot Sunday afternoon, October 8, by Sisters Helen and Aloysia (now Sr Marie), who came from Canberra for the occasion.

  • 06 November 2017


    Our school with Sister Catherine as Principal opened on January 31 for Kindergarten, first and second classes at St Gerard's Parish Hall, Carlingford.

    Building began on February 1, 1973 (the Feast of St Brigid of Ireland). It then rained for six weeks.

    Later that year on November 12, our own new school building opened and the children moved from Carlingford back into their own parish to become the first pupils to attend the new school.


    Sisters Elizabeth and Catherine with father Eric Burton viewing the site of the new church and school arrived to conduct the new school on January 23 and 25, 1973, and they lived with the Sisters of Mercy at Castle Hill.

  • 06 November 2017


    The Holy Faith Sisters moved into their convent at Winston Hills and Srs. Catherine and Elizabeth travelled daily to the school at North Rocks.

    In the same month (January) the first lay teachers were appointed, Mrs Patricia Taylor and Mrs Maree Salkeld. From this time we witnessed many important occasions:

    • Cardinal Freeman came to bless and open the Church on August 4
    • First Baptisms in new Church on August 11.  Also St Vincent de Paul Society was formed on this day.
    • First Marriage took place on September 12 between Brian Paton and Peta Attwood.
    • First meeting of Parents and Friends took place on September 27.
    • Parish Mission by Redemptorist Fathers on October 16.


    Sisters Elizabeth, Sr Catherine & Sr Carmel.

  • 06 November 2017


    • Primary school building blessed and opened by Bishop Clancy on June 8.
    • Fr Burton's Silver Jubilee on July 22.
  • 06 November 2017


    • Land purchased at 1 Statham Avenue in May.
    • November 14 was the first Fete
    • Youth Group inaugurated on November 28.
    • Fr Burton in residence at new Presbytery at 1 Statham Avenue on December 23.
  • 06 November 2017


    • Parish Resource centre opened.
  • 06 November 2017


    • Installation of Acolytes in Parish
    • Sr. Elizabeth's farewell - December 10
  • 06 November 2017


    • January - St Aloysia (Marie) joined school staff.
    • March 13 - First Ecumenical Service held in Church.
  • 06 November 2017


    • Site at 10 Statham Avenue (the current presbytery) was obtained July 1.
    • September 28 - Fr Robert Fuller appointed as first Assistant Priest.
    • Sheltershed under primary building converted to resource room, staff room, toilets, P.E. room and storeroom.
  • 06 November 2017


    • Extension to school including 2 classrooms and library and joining verandah.  Tiered seating also constructed.
  • 06 November 2017


    • Retention of "the bank" with rock garden
  • 06 November 2017


    • Our first lay Principal, Mr Ted Langford, was appointed to the school