INTRODUCTION – Fr Ian McGinnity 

This weekend readings from the lectionary for the Fifth Sunday of Easter Sunday extend to us Jesus’ love, mercy and care to strengthen our burdened and anxious hearts. It’s a fairly apt message for the time we are in with COVID-19 still hanging over us even though Australia has done a remarkable job in isolating and healing people with the virus in comparison to other places around the world. As restrictions start to be lifted there is still some trepidation about a second wave of contagion that could affect us and even some speculation that the virus has mutated into a second strain that might make the quick realisation of a vaccine more difficult. Children are starting to return to school and the employees returning back to work (that’s if they still have a job to go to) but there is still a level of natural anxiety amongst parents, the elderly and the health vulnerable people in our community.

The First Reading from Acts speaks to us about how the earliest Christians understood Jesus’ love and how to live in the love of Jesus. We must love, not only in the sense of worship and praise to God, but also in concrete, practical ways of ensuring the well-being of others. I’m sure we have all witnessed extraordinary examples of this practical love within our parish community and the broader society since our awareness of this virus. From simple acts of keeping connected to the elderly and the sick (even by a simple phone call) in our street and going shopping for them, to very generous gifts given to support people in this difficult time, there have been numerous examples of kindness across people of various creeds and ethnic origin and across generations. We can only hope and pray that this will continue when the pandemic disappears. Making God’s love real through diaconal service and caring for those in need.

The Second Reading from the First letter of St Peter reinforces the message that God’s love, care, and mercy are ours to have – and, not in just a generic superficial way. Rather, we each are to be part of a chosen, royal people. There is a marvellous strength and intimacy to be found – if we open our lives to that invitation. God’s offer speaks of the profound conquest of fear and death flowing from the resurrected Christ, inspiring us to care for one another. As we shelter in place and cover our faces with masks, we care for one another through economic losses, illnesses, and even death.

The Gospel from John (often used at funerals) captures our hearts, offering God’s love, care, and consolation – speaking to us of being “at home in God” – a place where all the goods we associate with HOME are known. The “many dwelling places” that are prepared for us, are in fact the many ways that God comes to us, dwelling in each one’s heart. We are thus, empowered, in ordinary life, but especially in our time of crisis, suffering, or even death.

This Sunday we celebrate Mother’s Day and particularly at this time we acknowledge our gratitude for the many women who have nurtured and prepared homes for us, in the past, now and in the future. For most of us, my founder’s early direction under the influence of someone called “Mother” or “Mum”. In all probability, when you took your first step, “Mum” was there. When you spoke your first word, “Mum” was there. When you first started learning to read and write, “Mum” was there. How could we not be sentimental about anyone who has been that much a part of our lives.
Yet with all of this, we need to remember that mothers are just people like all the rest of us. They believe when they are cut, they cry when they are hurt. They have hopes and dreams, and doubts and fears. They get tired and need rest. They feel forgotten and need appreciation. They make mistakes and need forgiveness. Mothers are just people; but to most of us, are very special people. With all of their human frailties, they have come to symbolise those qualities of life that we admire the most in others and desire the most for ourselves.
So, to our Mothers and Grandmothers this Sunday, we say thank you for loving us, for meeting our childhood needs and for reminding us of what our greatest needs really are.

May the Lord keep you safe and strong in this time of crisis.

Stay safe and strong.

Father Ian


Mr Tony Hughes, Principal of Christ the King Primary, is continuing to improve after eye surgery and will return once fully recovered.

CONGRATULATIONS: We congratulate Maureen and Les Torok (pictured here) who will celebrate their 50th anniversary this Tuesday. A wonderful milestone to reach and enjoy.

MASSES LIVE STREAMING from ST PATRICK’S CATHEDRAL: All Masses will be livestreamed via YouTube: and FaceBook:

READINGS FOR THE MASS: Provided by Universalis, can be found here:

THOSE IN NEED: During this difficult time, if you hear of anyone in need of assistance from a priest or the Parish Office, please do not hesitate to contact us on 9871.8710 or via email: or requiring assistance from Vinnies, please call 13 18 12.


THE SICK: Ken Abood, Jill Wulf, Ron Lucas, Arthur John Meston, Mary Magill, Joe Frare, Afifi Elchaar, Daniele Donu, Patrick Wheeler, Sylvette Marsh.
RECENTLY DECEASED: Valda Joan Miller, Hak Rim Matthew Lee, Br Ted Davis CFC.
DECEASED: Yvonne Boulous, Phillip Boulous, Charlie Karam, Leila Karam & All Souls.


To view this Sunday’s Mass online, click on the link below: